For all Search and Rescue Emergencies, call 911.
Our mailing address:
Lions Bay Search and Rescue Society
PO Box 629
Lions Bay, BC V0N 2E0
Are you interested in joining Lions Bay SAR?
LBSAR is not recruiting at this time. The date for the next recruitment cycle is not known. The team recruits only in years that it is deemed necessary. Please check back for announcements of upcoming intakes, which will be made in October of any applicable year.
Volunteering for a SAR team is not like most volunteer work. SAR field team members in BC are trained to a provincial standard known as GSAR (Ground Search and Rescue). GSAR training and certification takes about 2 years. During GSAR training new members in training are expected to attend 75% of weekly courses. Lions Bay SAR trains on Monday evenings, but not during summers and holidays. Given the long training period, LBSAR is looking for applicants who are looking to make a long term commitment, generally speaking 5 years at least. It is also recommended that applicants have an understanding with their employer that they are on a SAR team.
If you are a keen outdoors person experienced in backcountry travel, with good local knowledge and interested in being considered for joining the team please contact us to find out when our next recruitment cycle begins: If the team is in a recruitment year new member applications are accepted in the last quarter of the year, after which interviews are conducted. Application form, successful applicants start in the new year.
For other information, please e-mailĀ